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New Year's Resolution Check In

Updated: Aug 4, 2024

Hey there friends, it's Viv here checking in on you. I know setting your mind to changing some aspect of your life can be a challenge. For some, you may have already experienced setbacks, for others, you are still grinding away.

Maybe some of you have yet to get started. Resolutions aren't just for the beginning of the year. They are for every day of the year. We should be taking the time, at least on a quarterly basis to assess our investment of time in areas of our lives that matter the most to us.

One of the things that has really helped my in my life was setting some clear and specific goals, but before I could do that I needed to get down to basics. I needed to take inventory of the areas of my life that were taking up my valuable time and determine in which areas I wanted to invest more time, and thus make changes in specific areas. This is an activity I learned from my coach. These areas of your life, or domains, are unique to each individual, based on importance and where you are in your life.

Below is a downloadable PDF of my life domain chart and a blank one that you can work on for this exercise.


In the chart above I have general domains:

Health and Wellness


Family and Friends


Financial Wellness

Fun and Leisure

Personal Growth


All of the domains that you select have to add up to 100% of your time. You don't have to select 8 Domains! You can select 4 or 6, but no less than 3. I may simplify domains to personal, career, family.

Suppose that in my relationships domain, I may write down that I'm only dedicating 7% of my time on my relationship with my partner and one of my goals for this year is to spend more quality time with my partner. I'd like for that time to increase to maybe 25%. Then I've identified this as a goal.

My next step is writing out a specific goal and the steps I will take to achieve these goals (action).

We will get to this in my next post.

A real life example of this exercise: My life domain of parenting, specifically, my relationship with my child.

After assessing the life domains relevant to my life and the time I was investing in them, I realized I was spending a lot of time on work and less time with my child. I made it a point to increase my investment in my relationship and time with my child. I created specific goals on how I would achieve this and held myself accountable by tracking. I made a commitment both to me and my child, because that relationship is one that is not only important but a priority in my life, above my career, fun and leisure, etc. I also worked on a goal of reducing my commitment to my work and setting healthy boundaries. I even have had to learn how to say no at time.

Put this into practice exercise into practice. Take inventory of the areas of your life that are important to you, that perhaps you've been neglecting and see your New Year's Resolutions align with areas of your life that you want to invest your time.




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